Every child and young person has the right to achieve their full potential.

We want every child to grow up feeling loved and supported, whatever their background or circumstances.

We support families so that children can get the best start in life, and grow up to lead healthy, meaningful and happy lives.

We want children and their families to achieve their hopes and ambitions.

Our services enable and promote contact between children and their family and supports parents to improve co-parenting and to reduce conflict. We often work with families who are in court proceedings and where there has been a break down in child arrangements. Alongside this we work with children who are reluctant to have contact, parents who need support in having contact or supporting children to have contact with their other parent.

Much of this work sits within our ProContact service, but all of the work we do with children, young people and vulnerable adults has an impact on the family unit.


Supports children and parents impacted by separation.

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Family Autism Service

Offering support for families across East Lancashire with a child/children up to the age of 25, seeking or with an Autism Diagnosis.

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Peer Advice to Transform Health & wellbeing – A peer support group to help parents, families and carers whose children and young people are experiencing emotional or mental health problems.

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