Empowering young people to look after their own, and others, Mental Health.

The aim of our service is for young people to know where to go to get mental wellbeing support, and advice for themselves or for someone they are worried about.

We are recruiting for Wellbeing Champions aged 12-18; and will provide them with training and help for them to successfully support their peers.

With the knowledge gained in these training sessions and having the confidence and awareness to recognise when someone is struggling, they will be able to begin a conversation about well-being and give links to people and organisations that can offer help and support for that individual.

Should you be interested in having some Wellbeing Champions support for your cohort of young people, be that in a community setting or at any events, please contact Huma: HSheikh@canw.org.uk

Community partners

This is our promise, this is our focus:

  • Recruit young people to become Wellbeing Champions’.
  • Equip Wellbeing Champions’ with the needed skills and knowledge.
  • Reduce the stigma and myths around Mental Health to produce a supportive and resilient community.
  • Provide our Wellbeing Champions’ regular 1:1s and group support sessions.
  • Onsite support for staff supporting Wellbeing Champions.

Join our movement for better peer support:

  • Recruit young people to become Wellbeing Champions’.
  • Equip Wellbeing Champions’ with the needed skills and knowledge.
  • Reduce the stigma and myths around Mental Health to produce a supportive and resilient community.
  • Provide our Wellbeing Champions’ regular 1:1s and group support sessions.
  • Onsite support for staff supporting Wellbeing Champions.

How to get involved:

  • Refer a young person using our expression of interest form below.
  • Consider inviting our Wellbeing Champions’ to any events that may help to support young people in schools.

  • Pledge to become a Wellbeing Champion school.